Nintendo Wii?

Yes, you really will have to use that remote control to play games. Well, you would, if anyone actually buys one of these.
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata must live in the mushroom kingdom. In his fanciful world, people play video games with T.V. remotes and don't mind waiting until after all the other next generation consoles are out to pick one up that's comparable in capabilities to the original Xbox. (CPU 729 Mhz to Xbox's 733; GPU 243 Mhz to Xbox's 233)
To top it all off, Iwata announced that he's kicked the code name 'Revolution' to the curb, and has finally decided on a name for his new Nintendo console: the Wii. That's right, Wii. Pronounced like "we" or "whee" or maybe "wee"? Nintendo says that the double i's represent the controller's remotes, and people gathering to play, and that the moniker 'we' "emphasizes this console is for everyone." The press release went on to state that the name could "easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii." Just Wii, classic.
Thank god, finally, something has come along to alleviate all the headaches caused by such complicated game system names as Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Which one do they call the PS3 again? It's too much. I'll take a Wii now, thank you very much Microsoft and Sony.