USA: United States of Aztlan

What a convienient place for someone out of frame to wave an American flag!
Recent immigration reform rallies across the United States have been turning heads with up to one million protesters en masse, terrifying comfortable white men with gardeners and maids. The government and media attempt to sugar-coat the situation by providing small groups with American flags instead of Mexican flags for organized photo opportunities. The result is a very 4th of July-esque picture that might otherwise seem downright intimidating. National news outlets are already trying to shift the focus.
Meanwhile, a seperatist group known as La Voz de Aztlan have taken to speaking at ralles, inciting protesters, and calling for forfeiture of southwest American land in order to form a new country, called Aztlan. La Voz de Aztlan believes that recent school walkouts have proven that the latino youth is "now ready to be mobilized"... at least to skip a day of school.
The solution? Don't just offer the illegal immigrants citizenship, offer ALL mexicans citizenship. Grant the Mexican government statehood. If they don't accept, simply force a coup d'état as we did in Hawaii. Remember, guns were a perfectly acceptable method of handling mexican border disputes in 1846.
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