R.I.P. - Estonian Bear

Here we see the Estonian Bear in his more carefree 'Canada Loving' days, posing in front of the Parliament House of Estonia. Seriously, that's the Paliament House of Estonia.
Though no one may have known you in life, Estonian Bear, we all mourn your passing. When a fishing crew saw you stranded on an ice floe more than 10 Km at sea, our hearts went out to you. So helpless and alone, pushed out by your mother to find your own territory in a shrinking world. Adrift, so far away from safety.
When the helicopter search was called off due to poor visibility, we all lost a little piece of ourselves. In a way, we're all just young cubs, adrift in arctic waters, trying to make our way to safe harbor.
Either that, or the whole thing was a joke to some drunk Estonian fishermen.
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