R.I.P. - Jason Chellew

Misleading in its apparent normality, this Alta, CA house had to be fenced off because it swallowed a man.
Jason, we can only hope you've found a better place, because your life on Earth looks, to the outside observer, like it sucked. Your dad was a cop. You lived in your parents' basement with your pregnant Taiwanese wife. Together, you all lived in a dusty old run down mining town. Then, as if fate hadn't been cruel enough to you, you will always be remembered as that guy, whose death is the fodder of water cooler talks and weblogs.
It was 9:30 and you were just relaxing in your recliner, in your basement apartment, probably drinking a Pabst or whatever the hell is cheapest by the case in Cali, getting ready to call it a day.
Then the planet opened up and fucking ate you.
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