Due Process

When you have to remind your landlord who you are, where you live, and how much your rent is EVERY month, it may be time to move.
So I'm suing my last landlord for non-payment of my security deposit. I suppose that it's a pretty common thing for them not to pay you back, but what most people don't realize is that the law, at least in Alaska, is on their side in that matter. If said landlord doesn't provide you with a notice of what your deposit was spent on within 14 days, you're entitled to double the amount withheld.
Here's the rub: When sued, the defendant has the option to elect formal rules of court, rather than proceed by the happy-go-lucky 'judge judy' style small claims procedure, and most slumlords have teams of lawyers on retainer. At this point, most people with any common sense realize how impossible the court system is to navigate, and rather than spend more money on a lawyer than they stand to get back, they just bow out gracefully. Luckily for me, I lack any common sense whatsoever.
There is just enough information out there to help the common man represent themself 'per si' in court under formal rules. I imagine right now the defense's lawyers are chuckling, betting that I won't get my discovery or witness and evidence lists submitted by the court deadline. I'm waiting until the last minute to hit them by surprise.
These fuckers are going down. I've read the entire landlord/tennant act, statute by statute, and they don't have a leg to stand on. I can't wait for my day in court.
Derek I absolutly love this little bit of overflow!! Love you baby!
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