Stingrays Strike Back

Could this be a WMD?
A Florida man is in critical condition after a Florda Stingray somehow breeched the water, boarded his boat, and stabbed him in the heart, proving once again that Stingrays have a wicked good aim and working knowledge of human anatomy.
Following wilder-dude Steve Irwin's death at the hands of an Austrailian Stingray, Austrailians took to the water to confront the rays, killing the docile beasts. This latest agression against a citizen of the United States, within our own boarders, can only be taken as a declaration of war from the Stingrays. Americans, it's your duty to avenge this man (just assume he takes a turn for the worse and dies). Take to the water and kill rays, stay the course, if we give up now, the Stingrays win.
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