News from Saturn

Move over, Earth, Enceladus is the new place to be for all the 'cool' carbon based life.
The Cassini probe sent back images of the Saturn moon showing that a geyser in the south polar region, long thought to vent only ice particles from just under the planet's surface, was in fact venting liquid water. Unusually warm temperatures in this region suggest friction heat from below the icy surface. That means that Enceladus is now known to contain all three necessary components of life as we know it: Carbon, water, and an energy source.
Given recent discoveries concerning the reverse temperature metabolism of ice-worms, and unique solar-independent self-sustaining ecosystems in the depths of the oceans supported by volcanic vents; Imagining that microbial, possibly even multi-cellular carbon based life forms may already exist might not be a stretch of the imagination by any means, despite the moons freezing temperatures.
Oh shit, I forgot to make a joke.
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