R.I.P. - 400 Zanzibar Dolphins

Could dolphins we trained and supplied with weapons during Vietnam now be using their training and weapons against U.S. interests?
Dolphins, a major staple of the Zanzibar tourist industry, began washing up dead en masse Thursday night along a popular stretch of Zanzibar's northern coast. Villagers and fishermen found the dolphin corpses and clued in the government. Though there was a warning issued not to eat the dolphins, poison has been ruled out, and those who have been eating the dolphins despite the warning are reported to be just fine.
Some suggest the dolphins' fate could be tied to an incident in Hawaii in 2004, where 150 melon headed whales became stranded in Hanalei Bay. The National Marine Fisheries Service issued a report that blamed the use of active sonar in the bay by American and Japanese vessels in a training exercise that day. Some say that a U.S. Navy task force that patrols the area off the coast of Africa is to blame for the Zanzibar dolphins' death, the Navy has not issued a statement.
I think while it may be suggested that the Zanzibar dolphins could have been a terrorist cell and were victims of anti-terror measures, that explanation is only a cover up at best.
It should be obvious that the dolphins were anti-war protesters.
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