
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf

President Musharraf was in the United States recently along with Unocal patsy, I mean Afghani President Hamid Karzai, speaking with American President George Bush concerning the resurgence of violence in the region. While selling his memoir to American audiences, President Musharref made 'Daily Show' history, being the first sitting world leader to ever appear on the program. I wonder if he ever saw this clip:


Democracy Inaction: Spotlight on Alaska

Don Young

Republican Congressman for Alaska Don Young ran unopposed this term in his primary. It's really not surprising when you consider that Young has had a monopoly on the whole congress schick in Alaska for three quarters of its statehood; Young has been Alaska's only Congressman for thirty four of its 47 years in the union. Recently, Young has refused to debate with his democratic challenger, Diane Benson, in town hall style. Perhaps Young thinks that he is entitled to a life appointment? Or, perhaps Young realizes that as long as he avoids any sort of attention, there is nothing that Benson could do to cost him his job. All Young has to do is stay out of sight (which he's pretty good at) and he'll easily retain his seat.

Ben Stevens

Alaska State Senate President Ben Stevens, son of Senator Ted Stevens, has never been secretive about his oil interests. He once held a $250,000 a year 'consulting' job with Veco at the same time as his State Senate seat. Many were surprised when Stevens office was raided twice by the FBI, but only because none of us can believe that there's anything he could be doing in private that's more objectionable than what he does right in front of our faces.

Bryce Edgmon

State Representitive Democratic nominee Bryce Edgmon had an exact 50% chance of receiving his party's nomination this primary. The race between Edgmon and incumbent Representitive Carl Moses was decided in the following fashion: Two polished stones from the Aleutian islands were adorned with either candidate's name and placed in a hand woven grass basket by Lieutenant Governor Loren Leman. Elections director Whitney Brewster drew the stone with Moses' name, and Moses chose the Walrus side of the gold-and-silver commemorative coin, which was flipped onto an otter pelt. Unfortunately for Moses, the coin landed showing the Alaska State seal, proving once and for all that democracy is still alive.


Politics Should be a Drinking Game

How odd, when all the problems of the world seem so simple, simple motor function can be so difficult.

Drinking last night with my father-in-law, a Vietnam veteran, the conversation migrated toward war; in particular, an inquiry on my part into his personal perception of how the Vietnam campaign was handled in general - in retrospect.

Hazily, the conversation quickly made it back through the current Iraq campaign, ambled over towards Hugo Chavez, lightly touching on the mainstream media, Israel's Lebanon campaign, on to international oil, over to international policy, and eventually somehow ended up at the fatalistic human mentality concerning the environment. Basically we covered the entire state of current human affairs; coming to reasonable and acceptable conclusions that were mutually agreeable on each topic as we progressed.

(e.g. YES, as a country, when it all shakes down, despite public discontent, America needs to do whatever it takes to stay on top, economically, if we all intend to enjoy the standard of living to which we are accustomed. {aside from whether it's morally correct}


Hugo Chavez on George Bush


Princeton Outs Diebold

Now I usually let video posts speak for themselves, but I couldn't let this one go without a bit of editorial. First, as you watch the video, replace every instance of the word 'criminal' with 'Republican,' and you'll get the gist. Second, notice that no one in the MSM will address the probability that vote fraud has ALREADY occurred (Ohio). Third, if you have more than a ten second attention span, sit down and write a letter to your Congressman and ask them to decommission any Diebold machines used in your state in light of the proven possibility of vote fraud. The real tragedy will be if nothing is done and these easily manipulated machines continue to be used.

Norm MacDonald on Steve Irwin

R.I.P. - At Least Ten Australian Stingrays

Revenge is a dish best served raw, with a bit of Wasabi and a seaweed wrap.

Apparently, grieving Steve Irwin fans have been honoring Irwin's legacy the best they know how; by killing and mutilating defenseless stingrays off the Queensland coast. Actually, that's only a partial truth, as Steve himself would vouch. The rays do have an occasionally accurate system of defense, capable of wounding or even killing predators; or Australian television personalities.

Some may be consoled by the fact that Steve Irwin died doing what he loved, because I'm pretty sure he REALLY loved getting stabbed in the heart by stingrays.

We love and miss you, you crazy son of a bitch.


UAA Supports my Habit

What, Exactly, IS a "Sea Wolf"? Is that like the canine equivalant of a "Sea Lion"?

My life has come full circle it seems. I had an MMORPG addiction in 2004 that facilitated my decision to drop out of college. This fall, I finally returned to academia, and with the Help of University of Alaska's wireless network and my new WiFi capable laptop, I can now play Star Wars Galaxies while pretending to pay attention to the professor's lectures while attending class.