Alaskan Democrats Sue State

Alaska's ruling family -Sen. Lisa Murkowski, daughter of Gov. Frank Murkowski, with America's ruling family -G.W. Bush, brother of Florida Gov. J. Bush, son of former President G.H.W. Bush. Remember: we live in a democracy, we just really like people with matching names.
Ok, so the Alaskan Democratic Party wants to take a look at official voting records and the state won't let them. What a bunch of whiny bitches, what's the big deal?
Just because half of the reporting districts "show more votes cast than there were registered voters to cast them" in the 2004 election doesn't mean anything fishy is going on. Especially not when you consider that only an average of 30% of the states' registered voters actually vote.
It was an important voting year, with a well known and liked democratic candidate running for governor against the previous Republican governor's daughter - who had been handed her seat the previous term by her father. There was an almost 100,000 vote discrepancy, about 35% of her total. The same was true for presidential votes, almost to the number.
With stakes that high, though, who can blame 100+% of registered voters for casting their ballots?
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