Murkowski & BP Save the Last Dance

"Maybe they just weren't used to somebody who calls them as he sees them," said Murkowski. Or maybe, just maybe, you're a complete fucking douchebag piece of shit and that's why no one voted for you.
28% of Alaska's residents have spoken, and only 18.6% of those voting were in favor of Alaska's senile, arrogant governor Frank Murkowski. Murkowski, proven a liar by his statement; "If I do run, I will win" officially tucked his tail between his legs on Tuesday night, when Sarah Palin, grass roots outsider of the cycle, won the state Republican primary.
Recent scare tactics used by Murkowski and oil giant BP, such as shutting off 50% of Alaska's crude oil production in order to pressure lawmakers into making a hasty decision on petroleum tax reforms, were apparently unsuccessful; except for the lawmakers making that hasty decision regarding the petroleum tax reforms. Therefore, following news of Murkowski's loss in the primary, BP announced that due to discoveries of asbestos in pipeline insulation, repairs have been hindered and production is to drop an additional 50%. Alaska now produces half of half of its crude capacity. 'Discoveries'? How exactly does BP not know the composition of pipeline insulation that it installed?
Regardless of BP's tightening grip, lawmakers now seem unlikely to be prodded into any rash action in the scant 3 months that Murkowski has in office, regardless of how many special sessions he calls. Alaska's residents breathe a collective sigh of relief that no matter how bad Frank tries to fuck us over in his last two months, we at least have a new governor in line who has promised to clean up the mess.
So, do you think all of that will stop Frank Murkowski from using an obscure Alaskan law that allows him as Governor to sign off on any issue that remains unresolved after three special sessions, the third of which has been called for early November? Murkowski said he wouldn't exercise that power, but he also said he would win.
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