Party Like Michigan

What, did I miss the end of the war on terror?
Well, June 6th 2006 has passed and apparently the apocalypse can wait another hundred years. In order to commemorate the momentous occasion, a remake of a fairly creepy movie about the son of Satan was released, and some people went to Michigan to party. I'd say that they're all going to Hell, but I guess technically they're already there.
John Cologne a.k.a. Odum Plenty, the mayor of Hell, pulled out all the stops for today's party. Bringing home some souvenirs in limited runs of 666 each, selling for $6.66 will boldly state that you are either an atheist, non-Christian, or think that Jesus gets a chuckle out of sacrilege. Hey, nobody's passing judgment here, maybe you just took the kids for the 66 cent ice cream, or to send them through the "Gates of Hell" at the children's play area. "They're 8 feet tall and 5 foot wide and each gate looks like flames, and when they're closed, it's a devil's head," boasts the Cologne.
The best part is that the town got the name when someone asked George Reeves what to call the town he helped settle once Michigan gained its statehood and he replied "call it Hell for all I care." What a mean old bastard.
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