Mutant Awareness

Never mind the stigma, think about the practicality. I'd give my left arm for another left arm.
Liu Junjie, a two month old baby in China, has had his extra arm removed by Chinese doctors. I can only wonder; why? Jie Jie's third arm was almost perfectly anatomically formed, and though it couldn't extend fully, could likely have become fully functional. His remaining hand has no palm and flexes in either direction.
Accurate figures for humans that have grown extra limbs are impossible to obtain, as a large number of mutant fetuses are miscarried or aborted. In the case of most children who are born with excess appendages, the mutant limb is almost always easily identifiable and is surgically removed.
It's time to end this prejudice, sick practice and embrace the evolutionary change that nature is forcing upon us. Mothers of the world, birth those mutant children. Doctors of the world, don't remove their extra limbs. If we continue to systematically eliminate mutants we're no better than Hitler. Didn't anyone pay attention to X-Men III?
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