Dark Days Ahead for Alaska

Alaskan Politicians Frank and Lisa Murkowski know how to keep it in the family.
Current Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski has announced mere days before the deadline that he will indeed be throwing his hat into the ring for the coming election. Murkowski is apparently not convinced that he has enough time or support to steamroll the senate into accepting his gas pipeline deal before the end of his current term. Murkowski has stated publicly that should he run for re-election he "will win." To me, this is a very frightening proposition. Sarah Palin, an Alaskan favorite who has been campaigning all year, will now face Frank Murkowski in the Republican primary. Palin may be a favorite with residents, but if the 2002 Lt. Governor's primary she lost to Loren Leman is any indication, she lacks the support of her party, especially against powerhouse Murkowski. That means slim chances for anyone who was hoping to elect Palin on her progressive 'Alaskans first' pro all-Alaska gas pipeline platform.
Former Democratic Governor and Senator Tony Knowles, a well supported Alaskan Democrat has also entered the race late, apparently the Democrat's answer to Murkowski. Knowles is running on a platform of oil taxes for education, and has stated that he would like to offer free in-state college tuition to Alaskan high school graduates with a 'B' or better average. As disillusioned as residents may be with Murkowski, Alaska still carries an overwhelming Republican majority. Even a man as popular as Knowles could easily lose when the party chips are down. Knowles last foray into politics was an unsuccessful bid for Senate last term, which he lost to Frank Murkowski's daughter, Lisa.
I hope to God that I'm wrong, that enough people are fed up with Murkowski's oil interests and self serving ways. I hope Alaskan's wake up and see that we're being conned out of our oil in broad daylight, by the least subtle man on the planet, flying around in a jet that a vote of the people rejected, pockets lined by Exxon and BP. If votes even count anymore I hope that Alaskans speak up this fall, but as it stands now I see very dark days ahead.
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